Monday, February 9, 2015

Just Another Manic Monday

Here is is, Monday again. It keeps turning a bad penny. Kid again said "I wish it was still the weekend." You and me both, kid, you and me both LOL.

So, what did I get done last week?

Well, I did manage to meet my writing goal. I had set a goal of 1K on each story and I made it, writing 10K last week - well a bit over 10K because I never actually stopped right at 1000 words. With that in mind, I"m going to keep that same goal for this week - 1K on each story - altho the short story for Torquere's Family Time Anthology will probably wrap up so I'll have to shift its words to something else, either way, 2K a day is the goal.

Editing - not so good there (which is why I'm not shifting the writing goal) My goal was to edit 10 pages on each piece every day. I only managed about half that over the course of the week. So I'm changing that goal - now it's to do some significant editing each day. Either a scene, or a chapter, or something, as long as I get SOME done every day.

So what I'll be working on - ha ha same as week:

Edit my Doctor/Naval Officer story from my first NaNo
Edit the sequel to the Demon story from THIS year's NaNo
Write more on the sequel to Cast The First Stone
Continue writing on a short story I started for Torquere's Family Time Anthology (when this one finishes I will either shift the words to the CTFS sequel OR a different short story)
Get back into writing what my hubby calls "The rescue story" a HET *gasp* story! (This one is actually still in the brainstorming stages so I'm not actively writing it per se - but I'm planning it...)

And that's it for this week.

What are your goals for this week?

Have a good one!


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