Wednesday, March 18, 2015

What I'm Reading Wednesday

Wow, it's been a MONTH since I did this O___O. Oops. So sorry, this will be a longish one. BTW, just fyi, I still read fanfic, but I don't list it here and don't intend to, but just so you know, some of my reading time is spent on fanfic.

So let's get started.

Wood, Screws, and Nails by Piper Vaughn and Kade Boehme. (M/M) I enjoyed this SO MUCH. The romance, the jealousy, the sexual tension, the ANGST, oh the angst was delicious. This one will definitely be on my reread list and I'll definitely at least look at what else the authors have written.

Wolf Fight & Wolf Games by Marian Tee. The first one was free and ended on a cliffie, I bought the second one because of that, but I REALLY don't like the whole bait and switch so I will not be buying anymore. The story wasn't that good.

The Coach's Discipline by Katherine Deane - (M/F) I, um, *blushes* bought this kind of because the model on the front cover looks like Gideon Emory. It's about a 30's something woman who is a recovering from an eating disorder and is getting back into training for a marathon. It does have domestic discipline but really what I liked about this story was her empowerment and how it wasn't just her, but the whole team she trained with.

The Perfect Gift
by Dani-Lyn Alexander - (M/F) I will be reading this every Christmas from now on. Really cute little story about two single parents after the same Christmas gift for their little girls. Definitely makes me want to check out more of her writing.

Choosing You by Jenny Trout - (M/F) This was a decent read. I enjoyed it, although the heroine made some dumb choices in my opinion but it wouldn't have been a story without those mistakes so...I thought the end was a bit rushed, but it was still a good read.

Borderline by T.A. Chase - (M/M) SO GOOD. Texas Ranger, F.B.I. agent on the track of a serial killer, both with secrets in their backgrounds that could get them killed or off the case. This one made me wonder just why I have not read more of T.A. Chase's stuff, you can believe I'm going to be looking for more.

Passing Through by Jay Northcote - (M/M) A lovely story about love and loss and inheritance and acceptance.

Dark Witch by Nora Roberts - (M/F) The first in the Dark Witch trilogy, reminded me of Charmed and OH how I loved it!!! Oh and also The Secret Circle! Already bought the second book and will be starting it soon.

The Moon by Sean Michael - (M/M) Quick short read, typical Sean Michael stuff about shifters.

The Cougar's Timid Little Lynx
by Jenika Snow - (M/F), yes I know, should have learned my lesson before, but honestly? I should have read this one first. It was actually fairly decent, although I thought a bit rushed. At least this one had a well-thought out plot.

Caution To The Wind by Mary Jean Adams - (M/F) SO GOOD. A woman disguises herself as an older brother to her younger brother when he accepts work on an American Privateer's ship during the Revolutionary War time period. She finds herself falling for the Captain (who also finds himself strangely attracted to the young boy who is his new steward). My only disappointment was I thought the ruse was up too short and when it was it felt like she backslid into normally 'accepted' roles. Other than that? SO GOOD.

How To Howl At the Moon
by Eli Easton - (M/M) SO GOOD. This is the second book I've read by Eli and oh man, she is quickly moving up my list of auto buy authors. This was funny and angsty and romantic. Young man stumbles onto a town with a secret, Sheriff in trying to protect town falls for said young man and of course makes ALL the mistakes. So much fun! I heard there might be a sequel, I really hope so.

Cupcakes by Sean Michael - (M/M) I enjoyed this one a great deal. Cute story, some great angst (that really made ma angry LOL) and of course hot sex.

Red Dirt Heart 1 by N.R. Walker - (M/M) First of the Red Dirt Heart Trilogy. WHY have I never read N.R. Walker before? This story took me right to Down Under, had me right there on their station working with all the characters. Charlie runs it, Travis is interning and with his father's hatred in his ears, Charlie ends up falling for Travis and attempting to sabotage their relationship because of the memory of his father's bigotry. Such a great read. I have already bought the second and will start reading soon.

Blue Dahlia by Nora Roberts - (M/F) First of the In The Garden trilogy and man oh man did I love this one. So much! Ghosts, flowers, single moms, surly gardeners, a huge mansion, and ELVIS. Srsly, what is not to love? Again, bought the second book and will be reading soon.

And finally, Jewels in the Sun by Nora Roberts - (M/F) First of The Gallagher Brothers trilogy. This one is still in progress, it's not moving quite as fast as the other two, but I'm still enjoying it. More when I finish.

*PHEW* And I'm done. Hopefully it won't be a month before I do the next one. *fingers crossed*

Happy Reading!


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