Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tired Tuesday

Ha, so Manic Monday turned into Tornado Tuesday.

Life has gotten super busy now that school is back in. We have choir, and soccer, and job searching, and parent volunteering to coordinate. We also have pending repairs on our house (LOTS of pending repairs) and frankly, I'm exhausted.

Social Media is contributing to this exhaustion. There are some nights I just don't even feel like turning on my Mac. Which should tell you how tired I am.

I know this blog has been sporadic over the summer and it's about to get even more sporadic, because, at the suggestion of a friend, in an effort to get my writing mojo back, I'm taking a hiatus. Which means, I'm only going to post when I feel like it and it certainly won't be the regularly scheduled three posts a week, because I just can't.

I will be around on Twitter - fannish stuff you can find @Thraceadams, author stuff you can find @Katherinehalle. But I'm probably only going to do that when I feel like it as well (although more than here).

Hope everyone has a great week and a fantastic fall season!


Friday, September 4, 2015

Fun Friday...so to speak

Hey everyone,

Just a brief update.

I have finally started writing again. Attempting a short to submit for Dreamspinner. It's kind of a hot mess right now and I'm not even sure how to end it so hopefully Button can work some magic just like always. Hot mess aside, at least I wrote something, mostly, hopefully if I just keep plugging away the hot messiness will go away LOL.

Hubs is back from his two week TAD, so that's good. Everyone is thrilled. The dog wouldn't leave him alone and the kid never stopped talking LOL.

School has started and mini-minion is loving it so that is a relief.

House is still in need of repair but we are optimistic. And I'm still looking for a job and still optimistic about that as well.

And that is the state of Thrace and family.

Hope all is well with you. Have a great weekend!
